Giới thiệu
zip.js là một thư viện mã nguồn mở JavaScript (giấy phép BSD-3-Clause) để nén và giải nén các tệp zip. Nó đã được thiết kế để xử lý lượng dữ liệu lớn. Nó hỗ trợ đặc biệt nén đa nhân, nén cơ bản với luồng nén, tệp lớn hơn 4GB với Zip64, tách tệp zip và mã hóa dữ liệu.
Ví dụ
Xin chào thế giới
import {
} from "";
// ----
// Write the zip file
// ----
// Creates a BlobWriter object where the zip content will be written.
const zipFileWriter = new BlobWriter();
// Creates a TextReader object storing the text of the entry to add in the zip
// (i.e. "Hello world!").
const helloWorldReader = new TextReader("Hello world!");
// Creates a ZipWriter object writing data via `zipFileWriter`, adds the entry
// "hello.txt" containing the text "Hello world!" via `helloWorldReader`, and
// closes the writer.
const zipWriter = new ZipWriter(zipFileWriter);
await zipWriter.add("hello.txt", helloWorldReader);
await zipWriter.close();
// Retrieves the Blob object containing the zip content into `zipFileBlob`. It
// is also returned by zipWriter.close() for more convenience.
const zipFileBlob = await zipFileWriter.getData();
// ----
// Read the zip file
// ----
// Creates a BlobReader object used to read `zipFileBlob`.
const zipFileReader = new BlobReader(zipFileBlob);
// Creates a TextWriter object where the content of the first entry in the zip
// will be written.
const helloWorldWriter = new TextWriter();
// Creates a ZipReader object reading the zip content via `zipFileReader`,
// retrieves metadata (name, dates, etc.) of the first entry, retrieves its
// content via `helloWorldWriter`, and closes the reader.
const zipReader = new ZipReader(zipFileReader);
const firstEntry = (await zipReader.getEntries()).shift();
const helloWorldText = await firstEntry.getData(helloWorldWriter);
await zipReader.close();
// Displays "Hello world!".
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Xin chào thế giới với Luồng
import {
} from "";
// ----
// Write the zip file
// ----
// Creates a TransformStream object, the zip content will be written in the
// `writable` property.
const zipFileStream = new TransformStream();
// Creates a Promise object resolved to the zip content returned as a Blob
// object retrieved from `zipFileStream.readable`.
const zipFileBlobPromise = new Response(zipFileStream.readable).blob();
// Creates a ReadableStream object storing the text of the entry to add in the
// zip (i.e. "Hello world!").
const helloWorldReadable = new Blob(["Hello world!"]).stream();
// Creates a ZipWriter object writing data into `zipFileStream.writable`, adds
// the entry "hello.txt" containing the text "Hello world!" retrieved from
// `helloWorldReadable`, and closes the writer.
const zipWriter = new ZipWriter(zipFileStream.writable);
await zipWriter.add("hello.txt", helloWorldReadable);
await zipWriter.close();
// Retrieves the Blob object containing the zip content into `zipFileBlob`.
const zipFileBlob = await zipFileBlobPromise;
// ----
// Read the zip file
// ----
// Creates a BlobReader object used to read `zipFileBlob`.
const zipFileReader = new BlobReader(zipFileBlob);
// Creates a TransformStream object, the content of the first entry in the zip
// will be written in the `writable` property.
const helloWorldStream = new TransformStream();
// Creates a Promise object resolved to the content of the first entry returned
// as text from `helloWorldStream.readable`.
const helloWorldTextPromise = new Response(helloWorldStream.readable).text();
// Creates a ZipReader object reading the zip content via `zipFileReader`,
// retrieves metadata (name, dates, etc.) of the first entry, retrieves its
// content into `helloWorldStream.writable`, and closes the reader.
const zipReader = new ZipReader(zipFileReader);
const firstEntry = (await zipReader.getEntries()).shift();
await firstEntry.getData(helloWorldStream.writable);
await zipReader.close();
// Displays "Hello world!".
const helloWorldText = await helloWorldTextPromise;
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Thêm đồng thời nhiều mục vào một tệp zip
import {
} from "";
const README_URL = "";
async function getZipFileBlob() {
const zipWriter = new ZipWriter(new BlobWriter("application/zip"));
await Promise.all([
zipWriter.add("hello.txt", new TextReader("Hello world!")),
zipWriter.add("", new HttpReader(README_URL)),
return zipWriter.close();
function downloadFile(blob) {
document.body.appendChild(Object.assign(document.createElement("a"), {
download: "",
href: URL.createObjectURL(blob),
textContent: "Download zip file",
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Chi tiết Tải về:
Tác giả: gildas-lormeau
Mã nguồn:
Giấy phép: BSD-3-Clause license